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Fast delivery: All products from a Swiss location
Payment by: Invoice, credit card, Twint or PayPal
KN95 Respirators without a Exhalation valve offer the wearer and the opposite party protection against coronavirus infection (COVID-19). KN95 (FFP2) masks are available with or without valve, are made of a multilayer fleece and offer a high wearing comfort.
Protective masks offer protection against infection of the coronavirus (COVID-19). They are recommended by the FOPH during the corona crisis, especially for sick persons who cannot maintain a minimum distance of one meter from other people. Protective masks cover the mouth and nose, so that there is as little gap as possible between the mask and the face. If hygienic protective masks become damp, they should be replaced. Important: Wearing a protective mask offers protection against coronavirus infection (COVID-19) only in combination with other hygiene measures such as keeping your distance and washing your hands.
To the TYPE IIR protective maskKnown from
Damit der Schutz auch besser wirkt, muss die Schutzmaske komplett Mund und Nase bedecken.
Vermeiden Sie es, die Maske während des Tragens zu berühren oder auch das Gesicht allgemein zu berühren. Nach dem einmaligen Gebrauch müssen Sie die Hygienemasken entsorgen.
Findings from the practice
People who wear protective masks have long been part of the urban landscape in Asia. It was recognized early on that the infection of other people can be minimized. Therefore it belongs in Asia to the good clay/tone to the fact that one protects oneself in flu times in the public mutually with the carrying of a protective mask. During the Corona Pandemic, the need for masks worldwide rose to unimagined heights and the demand could hardly be satisfied. In Europe, protective masks are part of the exit strategy from lockdown regulations for many governments. For example, operators and customers of hairdressing, cosmetic massage salons and tattoo studios have to protect themselves with masks. It is quite conceivable that hygiene masks will continue to dominate everyday life in Switzerland during flu season, even after the corona crisis.